level-hint-control: structuresource
delay-before-playing: time-frame
id: text-id
num-attempts-before-playing: int8
num-success-before-killing: int8
num-attempts: int8
num-success: int8
start-time: time-frame
last-time-called: time-frame
task-hint-control: structuresource
can-hint-be-played?(arg0: text-id, arg1: entity, arg2: string) => symbolsource
find-hint-control-index(arg0: text-id) => intsource
increment-success-for-hint(arg0: text-id) => nonesource
reset-all-hint-controls() => nonesource
start-hint-timer(arg0: text-id) => nonesource
update-task-hints() => nonesource
ambient-control: structuresource
last-ambient-time: time-frame
last-ambient: string
last-ambient-id: sound-id
ambient-control-method-9(obj: ambient-control) => nonesource
ambient-control-method-10(obj: ambient-control, arg0: vector, arg1: time-frame, arg2: float, arg3: process-drawable) => vectorsource
play-ambient(obj: ambient-control, arg0: string, arg1: symbol, arg2: vector) => symbolsource
process-taskable: process-drawablesource
type: type
name: basic
mask: process-mask
parent: pointer
brother: pointer
child: pointer
ppointer: pointer
self: process-tree
pool: dead-pool
status: basic
pid: int32
main-thread: cpu-thread
top-thread: thread
entity: entity-actor
state: state
trans-hook: function
post-hook: function
event-hook: function
allocated-length: int32
next-state: state
heap-base: pointer
heap-top: pointer
heap-cur: pointer
stack-frame-top: stack-frame
connection-list: connectable
stack: uint8
root: trsqv
node-list: cspace-array
draw: draw-control
skel: joint-control
nav: nav-control
align: align-control
path: path-control
vol: vol-control
fact: fact-info
link: actor-link-info
part: sparticle-launch-control
water: water-control
sound: ambient-sound
state-flags: state-flags
state-time: time-frame
root-override: collide-shape
tasks: task-control
query: gui-query
old-target-pos: transformq
cell-for-task: game-task
cell-x: handle
cam-joint-index: int32
skippable: symbol
blend-on-exit: art-joint-anim
camera: handle
will-talk: symbol
talk-message: text-id
last-talk: time-frame
bounce-away: symbol
ambient: ambient-control
center-joint-index: int32
draw-bounds-y-offset: float
neck-joint-index: int32
fuel-cell-anim: spool-anim
sound-flava: music-flava
have-flava: symbol
music: symbol
have-music: symbol
been-kicked: symbol
cur-trans-hook: function
shadow-backup: shadow-geo
release: unknown
give-cell: unknown
lose: unknown
enter-playing: unknown
play-accept: unknown
play-reject: unknown
query: unknown
play-anim: unknown
hidden: unknown
be-clone: unknown
idle: unknown
play-anim!(obj: process-taskable, arg0: symbol) => basicsource
process-taskable-method-33(obj: process-taskable) => nonesource
get-accept-anim(obj: process-taskable, arg0: symbol) => spool-animsource
push-accept-anim(obj: process-taskable) => nonesource
get-reject-anim(obj: process-taskable, arg0: symbol) => spool-animsource
push-reject-anim(obj: process-taskable) => nonesource
process-taskable-method-38(obj: process-taskable) => nonesource
should-display?(obj: process-taskable) => symbolsource
process-taskable-method-40(obj: process-taskable, arg0: object, arg1: skeleton-group, arg2: int, arg3: int, arg4: vector, arg5: int) => nonesource
initialize-collision(obj: process-taskable, arg0: int, arg1: vector) => nonesource
process-taskable-method-42(obj: process-taskable) => nonesource
process-taskable-method-43(obj: process-taskable) => symbolsource
play-reminder(obj: citb-sage) => symbolsource
process-taskable-method-45(obj: citb-sage) => symbolsource
process-taskable-method-46(obj: process-taskable) => nonesource
target-above-threshold?(obj: process-taskable) => symbolsource
draw-npc-shadow(obj: process-taskable) => nonesource
hidden-other: unknown
process-taskable-method-50(obj: process-taskable) => symbolsource
close-anim-file!(obj: process-taskable) => symbolsource
process-taskable-method-52(obj: process-taskable) => nonesource
task-control: basicsource
type: type
current-stage: int16
stage: array
current-task(obj: task-control) => game-tasksource
Get the current task that is being played. If unknown returns the none task
current-status(obj: task-control) => task-statussource
Get the status of the cstage that is being played.
Will return invalid if not possible
close-current!(obj: task-control) => game-tasksource
close-status!(obj: task-control, arg0: task-status) => game-tasksource
Close the cstage that:
- is associated with the task for the current cstage
- is for the given status
first-any(obj: task-control, arg0: symbol) => game-tasksource
Iterate through tasks, finding an unclosed one to mark as current
If arg0 is #t, warn on receiving null-task-control
reset!(obj: task-control, reset-mode: symbol, arg1: symbol) => intsource
Reset a task control. arg1 to warn on null, reset-mode 'game for a game reset
closed?(obj: task-control, arg0: game-task, arg1: task-status) => symbolsource
Is the given task/status cstage closed?
get-reminder(obj: task-control, arg0: int) => intsource
Get the arg0th reminder.
save-reminder(obj: task-control, arg0: int, arg1: int) => intsource
Set the arg1th reminder to arg0
exists?(obj: task-control, arg0: game-task, arg1: task-status) => symbolsource
Is there a cstage for the given task and status?
task-cstage: structuresource
game-task: game-task
status: task-status
flags: task-flags
condition: function
get-task(obj: task-cstage) => game-tasksource
Get the game task for this cstage
get-status(obj: task-cstage) => task-statussource
Get the status for this cstage
task-available?(obj: task-cstage, arg0: task-control) => symbolsource
Is this task available to be the current task?
closed?(obj: task-cstage) => symbolsource
Is the closed flag set?
closed-by-default?(obj: task-cstage) => symbolsource
Is the closed-by-default flag set?
close-task!(obj: task-cstage) => intsource
Close this task!
open-task!(obj: task-cstage) => intsource
Clear the closed flag.
close-specific-task!(arg0: game-task, arg1: task-status) => game-tasksource
Close a cstage for a game-task
get-task-control(arg0: game-task) => task-controlsource
Get the task control for a given game-task
get-task-status(arg0: game-task) => task-statussource
Get the staus of a game-task
open-specific-task!(arg0: game-task, arg1: task-status) => game-tasksource
Open a cstage for a game-task
sages-kidnapped?() => symbolsource
task-closed?(arg0: game-task, arg1: task-status) => symbolsource
task-control-reset(arg0: symbol) => nonesource
Reset all task controls and set their current stage
task-exists?(arg0: game-task, arg1: task-status) => symbolsource
task-known?(arg0: game-task) => symbolsource
Is there a cstage with a non-unknown status?